American Standard - toilet tissue holder 18" towel bar 24" towel bar glass shelf
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AMrfcaii S clard Installation Instructions ACCESSORIES TOILET TISSUE HOLDER 18 TOWEL BAR 24 TOWEL BAR GLASS SHELF G028 230 G028 180 G028 244 G028 024 G080 G081 G082 G083 Thank you for selecting American Standard the benchmark of fine quality for over 7 00 years To ensure that your installation proceeds smoothly please certified to comply with ansi ai 121 s i read instructions carefully before you begin M9B88B0 REV 1 1 Recommended Tools Tape Measure o H o IIH o I oil Phillips Screwdriver Level CARE INSTRUCTIONS DO SIMPLY RINSE THE PRODUCT CLEAN WITH CLEAR WATER DRY WITH A SOFT COTTON FLANNEL CLOTH DO NOT CLEAN THE PRODUCT WITH SOAPS ACID POLISH ABRASIVES HARSH CLEANERS OR A CLOTH WITH A COAR...